
A+ WhiteBASE: Trading #1

Collection details

Collection name:
WhiteBIT Crypto Alumni
Collection description:
This collection was made for the aspiring students of WhiteBIT educational projects attendees. Users who will receive them were extremely hardworking. That’s why they deserve a prize for their achievements!
Collection address:

Token details

Token name:
A+ WhiteBASE: Trading
Token description:
This token belongs to an A-level student who scored the final test of the WhiteBASE: trading educational project and mastered all 18 lectures about crypto trading. Only triumphs are ahead! Good luck!
Token ID:
Token type:
Soul Bound Token
Total of 52 Soul bindings

(Showing last 10,000 records)

321 days 13 hrs agoSoulID: #29
321 days 13 hrs agoSoulID: #12

Show rows:


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