
Goodcode! #1

Collection details

Collection name:
WB Network Builder
Collection description:
We enjoy rewarding our most active users! That's why we came up with a new SBT collection, WB Network Builder. Those users who will demonstrate significant initiative within our project will receive tokens from this collection. You can create your own products on the network, promote our brand on your platforms, etc. If you contribute to the development of our project, we will notice it!
Collection address:

Token details

Token name:
Token description:
The token is for those users who drive our blockchain's growth with their technical ideas and solutions. Use your developing skills to help us make our project even better and stronger, and you will be rewarded, too!
Token ID:
Token type:
Soul Bound Token
Total of 2 Soul bindings

(Showing last 10,000 records)

373 days 9 hrs agoSoulID: #40
373 days 9 hrs agoSoulID: #23

Show rows:

1 of 1