
WB Soul

Soul #158


Primary address:
Creation tx:
Migrated from testnet
Assigned addresses:

Verification status

Attribute value:
Attribute contract:

Hold amount

Attribute value:
Attribute contract:
172 days 8 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 2864.40685732 to 0
262 days 15 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 2798.90644277 to 2864.40685732
293 days 3 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 2759.30090113 to 2798.90644277
323 days 3 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 2020.10302237 to 2759.30090113
353 days 11 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 1504.14660902 to 2020.10302237
383 days 11 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 1272.96893161 to 1504.14660902
413 days 12 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 1023.953157 to 1272.96893161
413 days 14 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 0 to 1023.953157
413 days 14 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 1023.953157 to 0
Migrated from testnet413 days 16 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 0 to 1023.953157
Migrated from testnet413 days 16 hrs agoAttribute Is verified changed from false to true
Migrated from testnet413 days 16 hrs agoToken Early bird #1 bound
Migrated from testnet413 days 16 hrs agoSoul registered with primary address

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