
WB Soul

Soul #19686


Primary address:
Creation tx:
Assigned addresses:

Verification status

Attribute value:
Attribute contract:

Hold amount

Attribute value:
1119.56115789 WBT
Attribute contract:
8 days 14 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 699.56115789 to 1119.56115789
71 days 14 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 681.56115789 to 699.56115789
132 days 15 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 661.56115789 to 681.56115789
195 days agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 646.56115789 to 661.56115789
255 days 13 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 620.56115789 to 646.56115789
347 days 16 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 610.56115789 to 620.56115789
377 days 19 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 599.56115789 to 610.56115789
410 days 12 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 209.56115789 to 599.56115789
410 days 12 hrs agoAttribute Is verified changed from false to true
410 days 12 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 0 to 209.56115789
410 days 12 hrs agoSoul registered with primary address

Show rows:

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