
WB Soul

Soul #19782


Primary address:
Creation tx:
Assigned addresses:

Verification status

Attribute value:
Attribute contract:

Hold amount

Attribute value:
3045 WBT
Attribute contract:
121 days 15 hrs agoAttribute Is verified changed from false to true
123 days 4 hrs agoAttribute Is verified changed from true to false
187 days 19 hrs agoToken Community Achievements #9 bound
242 days 15 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 3035 to 3045
273 days 1 hr agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 3000 to 3035
310 days 22 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 2950 to 3000
342 days 1 hr agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 2900 to 2950
372 days 14 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 2850 to 2900
402 days 21 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 2800 to 2850
433 days 1 hr agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 2500 to 2800
464 days 20 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 2700 to 2500
464 days 20 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 200 to 2700
464 days 20 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 2700 to 200
495 days 2 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 3055 to 2700
525 days 3 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 3000 to 3055
556 days 20 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 210 to 3000
556 days 22 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 200 to 210
556 days 22 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 0 to 200
556 days 22 hrs agoAttribute Is verified changed from false to true
556 days 22 hrs agoSoul registered with primary address

Show rows:

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