
WB Soul

Soul #21193


Primary address:
Creation tx:
Assigned addresses:

Verification status

Attribute value:
Attribute contract:

Hold amount

Attribute value:
1379.67532681 WBT
Attribute contract:
29 days 15 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 1344.07532681 to 1379.67532681
90 days 17 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 1316.39386198 to 1344.07532681
122 days 15 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 1285.86713833 to 1316.39386198
153 days 9 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 1234.90264814 to 1285.86713833
183 days 10 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 1156.61596832 to 1234.90264814
214 days 7 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 1028.02182151 to 1156.61596832
244 days 21 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 200 to 1028.02182151
244 days 21 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 0 to 200
244 days 21 hrs agoAttribute Is verified changed from false to true
244 days 21 hrs agoSoul registered with primary address

Show rows:

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