
WB Soul

Soul #67


Primary address:
Creation tx:
Migrated from testnet
Assigned addresses:

Verification status

Attribute value:
Attribute contract:

Hold amount

Attribute value:
10 WBT
Attribute contract:
20 days 1 hr agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 0 to 10
91 days 15 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 150.00000001 to 0
169 days 4 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 200.00000001 to 150.00000001
199 days 7 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 201.71943841 to 200.00000001
229 days 12 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 200.71943841 to 201.71943841
229 days 12 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 201.71943841 to 200.71943841
277 days 6 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 79.74350844 to 201.71943841
278 days 14 hrs agoToken Community Achievements #7 bound
307 days 7 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 60.37446398 to 79.74350844
307 days 11 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 50.37446398 to 60.37446398
307 days 11 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 40.37446398 to 50.37446398
308 days 12 hrs agoToken Community Achievements #5 bound
378 days 11 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 21.60126398 to 40.37446398
408 days 15 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 10.169 to 21.60126398
Migrated from testnet412 days 15 hrs agoAttribute Hold amount changed from 0 to 10.169
Migrated from testnet412 days 15 hrs agoAttribute Is verified changed from false to true
Migrated from testnet412 days 15 hrs agoToken Early bird #1 bound
Migrated from testnet412 days 15 hrs agoSoul registered with primary address

Show rows:

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